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Sculptor Mug Email Scam Targeting Designers

Updated: Oct 23, 2024

I recently received an email from a man wanting me to create a design for a custom mug he was getting professionally sculpted for his 10th anniversary. At first, I thought it was a legit email and I started corresponding with him, but there were red flags from the beginning. My friend, who is a professional calligrapher, got the same email weeks later (with different names) and almost fell for it too, so I decided to create this post hoping other designers will be warned.

Our Email Correspondance

I'm going to be completely transparent with my emails back and forth with this "Craig Jenson", plus I'm going to point out some red flags from the emails. You will notice my hesitancy in taking on the project, first, because of warning bells going off in my head, but also because of my work load and upcoming vacations.

I've copied and pasted my emails exactly as they were written (I was going to provide screenshots, then realized that the content of the emails won't show up in search engines, unless my text is live - which is important for people searching to see if these emails are scams)

Scammer's email is in green, my response in pink


On Thu, Jun 6, 2024, 10:13 a.m. Craig Jenson <> wrote:

Hello, Craig here, contacting you to explore a collaboration opportunity for a graphic design project. I'd love to create a lovely design of the contents we are planning to print on the souvenirs for our wedding Anniversary ceremony.

If you're open to new projects, I'd be delighted to share more details, including references and project ideas. I look forward to your response.





On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 9:17 AM Alicia Landry <> wrote:

Hi, Craig:

Thank you for reaching out! I would be happy to help if I can.

What type of souvenir design are you looking to do for your wedding?


Alicia Landry

Graphic Designer


On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 1:09 PM Craig Jen <> wrote:

Hello Alicia,

Thanks for your interest in this project. We are looking to have a nice and unique print design on the some souvenir items we plan to give to our guests who are coming to celebrate with us on our 10th anniversary.

We have already made an arrangement with Sculptor that will help in modifying a vintage coffee mug out of a cast steel. Hence, we need a PDF or AI Source file of the print design we are looking to have on the Mug.

My idea for the design is having both our names (Julia & Craig Jenson) spelled out in a love shape, and having the number 10 in the middle. Also with the inscription, "Thanks for celebrating with us" on the other side.


I've attached a sample of the Mug to this email, just so you know what it looks like. Should incase you need to prepare a mockup for review.

The print area for the image is 7 x 3.5 Inch. And you should be aware that I wouldn't mind your own idea based on the design for this project. I believe as a designer, you are creative in your own way, and I'm open to exploring more options.

The deadline for this project should be no later than August 18th, and as for the budget I am thinking between $250 - $500. Please let me know if this is what you could get done within the timeline, and feel free to propose your quote towards accepting such commision.

Looking forward to your response.




On Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 7:06 PM Alicia Landry <> wrote:

Thanks, Craig, for providing more details. I believe another design/illustrator would be a better fit for you, but I do appreciate you reaching out though. If you get stuck trying to find someone else, you can circle back to me and I will do my best to accommodate.


Alicia Landry

Graphic Designer


On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 8:24 AM Craig Jen <> wrote:

Good morning Alicia,

Just wondering why you'd prefer for me to stress searching for another designer, knowing you could handle the project?

Kinda strange to me.



On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 8:45 AM Alicia Landry <> wrote:

Hi, Craig:

From your email I got the impression from the wording that you were contacting multiple designers about the project. My apologies if my assumption was incorrect.

Also, it seemed like you're looking for a high-end design that may need multiple concepts for consideration and revisions after that and I wasn't quite sure if I would be the right fit for you, and if it's something I can commit to at this time, with my current workload and vacations coming up (hence my hesitancy at taking it on.)

Alicia Landry

Graphic Designer


On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 5:22 PM Craig Jen <> wrote:

Well, I don't mind working with you on this project based on your level of creativity. Please let me know if you'd consider.




On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM Alicia Landry <> wrote:

Hi, Craig:

Okay, let's give this a shot! I'm booked solid for the next week and a half at least, and then I have some vacation time, but I may be able to get started end of the month between those two.

Let me know your vision for the design and I'll make sure I get all your details down, so I'll be ready to present a couple of concepts to you when I get started. (Unless everything you had was in the last email sent?)

I look forward to working with you.

Thank you,

Alicia Landry

Graphic Designer


On Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 6:46 AM Craig Jen <> wrote:

Good morning Alicia,

Sounds good.

Please proceed to the draft for review as soon as you can.

Looking forward to hearing from you.




On Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 9:05 AM Alicia Landry <> wrote:

Thanks, Craig. I usually take a deposit before any work commences on any project I'm working on, and then the balance is due after the project is complete. I'll send you one now for $75 CAD and add you to my work queue after that is paid.

I have enough information to get started and will also add it to your mug for mockup.

I do want to know what type of etching you are thinking of getting for the final (so I can make sure mockup is more accurate)... white, transparent, gold, etc.?

Alicia Landry

Graphic Designer


On Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 3:54 PM Craig Jen <> wrote:

Hello Alicia,

Thanks for the feedback. After taking my time to digest your proposal, I believe that will work just fine for the project.

As for the payment, I'm okay with paying you an upfront of ($200) to start working on the project, and the balance once the project is completed.

At this time, the easiest way for me to do that is via E-check. I can easily prepare the check on my Tab and have the PDF file sent to your email. All you need do is to open the file and deposit via your mobile banking app by taking a picture of the check.

Let me know if that is doable for you, and please provide your full name or payable name to proceed with the payment.

I'm looking forward to working with you on this project.

Thanks. Regards



(After realizing it was a scam, and I didn't respond to him, this email came 2 weeks later:)


Hope you have been doing well? Just to let you know that I am a little bit concerned as to why you haven't reached out to me regarding the project.

Feel free to let me know if you are still interested or not. Just so I can know how to proceed from here, remember time is running out.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks & Regards

Red Flags In the Email

  1. Not a Normal Payment Method - "Craig Jenson" asked to pay my deposit with an E-check saying, "I can easily prepare the check on my Tab, and have the PDF sent to your email"

  2. Language - I've corresponded with clients where English wasn't their first language. I could tell English wasn't this person's first language, which is completely fine, but the way certain things were worded was off. For example, when he said, "I can easily prepare the check on my Tab" when discussing payment.

  3. Odd Product - I'm not familiar with getting a custom mug ordered, but when he told me that a custom mug was commissioned from a sculptor from an existing vintage mug, it seemed a bit odd. There are a lot of mugs available to order today that you wouldn't need a mug ordered from a Sculptor, especially one that wasn't super unique. However, it could've just been a matter of preference, so I wasn't sure what to think about this at first.

  4. Price - He seemed eager to pay, plus this was a fairly straightforward project with a huge budget range ($250-$500).

  5. My Friend's Email - I saw my friend's email that was word-for-word to the one I received, except that the names of the couple were changed.

If you ever receive an email like this, do not respond. Block them. They are finding ways to get money from you with fake payment methods, fake bounced payments, demanding refunds of payments that never arrived to you and they will show you fake receipts saying they did, etc.) This email discussed a sculpted mug, but I am sure as these types of scams progress, it could turn into other products and events mentioned. Be wary!

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1 comentário

05 de fev.

omg I just got an email from this guy and I was wondering if it was legit! Thanks so much for posting this, saved me from dealing with all of that.

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